A shared centenary: Coneqtia and FIPP at 100

In 2025, Coneqtia, the Spanish Press Association for B2B publishers, celebrates its centenary – a milestone it shares with FIPP, its long-time counterpart in the consumer magazine sector. Founded in the same year, the two organisations have long championed the publishing industry in their respective sectors – B2B and consumer magazines.

A fantastic partnership

José Henríquez Navarro, President of Coneqtia feels that this ‘shared anniversary’ marks a significant point in the industry.

“It highlights the value of quality professional content, and the trust placed in technical and business information over the past 100 years,” he says. “It is certainly an event worth celebrating,”

While the details of the early relationship between Coneqtia and FIPP are somewhat lost to time, José believes the collaboration has always been strong. “I can only speak for recent years,” he says. “But my belief is that it has always been a fantastic partnership, with many things in common.”

To commemorate its centenary, Coneqtia launched a commemorative book on February 6, documenting the organisation’s history and its role in Spanish publishing.

“Readers will find a fascinating review of how publishing has evolved through different eras – civil war, dictatorship, financial crises, and most recently, a global pandemic,” says José. “It’s a way to see history through the lens of publishing.”

The evolution of Spain’s B2B market

The Spanish B2B publishing sector is unique – highly fragmented, with many small, family-run businesses focusing on niche markets.

“Revenue generation has always been a challenge, especially with a significant amount of free content available,” says José. “In the past decade, we’ve seen increased consolidation, but we also lost some smaller players, particularly after COVID-19.”

Currently, Spain’s B2B publishing industry is experiencing a turbulent era.

“There are many changes – technological advancements, copyright issues, the influence of social media, and the need to find new revenue sources,” says José. “It’s a challenging time, but also a period of opportunity.”

Navigating the future

According to José, the key to survival lies in diversifying revenue streams.

“Relying solely on print or newsletters is not enough. Publishers must look at selling content, organising events, and generating sales leads,” he says. “Legal issues around rights also need to be addressed to create a clear and fair environment for all players.”

To support its members in navigating these shifts, Coneqtia has introduced several initiatives.

“We’ve created a technical article search section on our website, we collaborate closely with CEDRO [the Spanish Reproduction Rights Centre] and OJD [Circulation Office] – our long-time partners – and we publish a monthly newsletter to keep members informed about innovation and trends,” José explains. “Any member can also contact us directly for specific support.”

Coneqtia is particularly focused on helping small publishers. “They often have limited access to technology and innovation, and we see it as our mission to support them in staying competitive.”

As Coneqtia and FIPP enter their second century, collaboration remains a priority. “I hope this cooperation lasts for many, many years,” says José. “We can all learn from each other’s experience and expertise.”


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